Time & Space
“Time & Space” is a story of young love - two newlyweds who never want to be apart, yearning to spend every moment together, wrapped up in each others’ arms. Following their debut single “Honey Let’s Go”, husband-and-wife duo sunset + mine share how their love has grown stronger and deeper with “Time & Space”, featuring Valerie Repetski’s transcendent vocal melodies enveloped in pulsing synths and tropical beats.
No Longer Slaves
sunset + mine reimagine Jonathan Helser's powerful worship anthem into a signature modern production, highlighting Valerie Repetski's smooth vocals and Rocco Repetski's synth soundscapes. No Longer Slaves is an anthem of victory and triumph for anyone feeling surrounded by anxiety and worry, breathing peace and calm into a world wrought with fear and loneliness.
All My Hope
How you deal with an unexpected, unexplainable loss? Where do you turn and how do you find comfort? “All My Hope” is an anthem for anyone who’s struggling with fear and loneliness. You’re not alone and there’s always hope, no matter what.
Fix You
This vibey, chill version of the classic by Coldplay comes on the heels of the highly-acclaimed debut single “Honey Let’s Go” by the husband-and-wife duo Valerie and Rocco Repetski. Produced by the award-winning Ian Charlie (of Walla) and mastered by Jett Galindo at The Bakery at Sony Pictures (Colbie Caillat, La La Land original soundtrack), “Fix You” highlights Valerie Repetski's vocals and her husband Rocco Repetski's keyboards as they chart new territory for this timeless hit.
Honey Let’s Go
Honey Let’s Go journeys through the blossoming of Valerie and Rocco’s romance and explodes with the wonder of young love, sheer joy and hopeful adventure only imaginable from a couple who grew up a mile apart, fell in love over impromptu jam sessions and now travel the world together.